We are experiencing a network issue affecting Alviso customers. The problem started at 3:25 am.
A technician team has been scheduled to visit the location and review the affected hardware first thing this morning. We will provide an update at or before 7 am.
[11/19 - 6:30 AM update] The cause of the outage has been localized to a backhaul fiber link connecting our network in Alviso. The fiber provider has completed remote testing and is dispatching a field team to further investigate and correct the issue.
[11/19 - 9:25 AM update] A fiber field technician is working on fixing the problem. We are currently waiting for an update from the fiber provider on when the issue will be resolved.
[11/20 - 8:30 AM update] Our fiber provider has identified the location of the fiber cut, and a technician has been assigned to make the necessary repairs to work on fixing it this morning, and his shift started at 7:30 am. It depends on the extent of the damage to the fiber to determine when service will be back up. Please check back here for more updates.
[11/20 - 3:45 PM] RESOLVED
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